Persimmons and Dogs: Is This Fruit Safe for Your Pup?
Dogs and Persimmons
Most autumn seasons, I work at this apple picking orchard near me. And, they have a persimmon tree there. I don’t know what it is about that persimmon tree, but people will not leave it alone! And, not sure if you knew this, but you cannot pick persimmons until after the first frost.
So, we spend quite a bit of time keeping people away from that persimmon tree. Luckily, we don’t allow dogs at the orchard.
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And, that is the most likely scenario, in my opinion. That you and your dog will be out some place, and they will encounter persimmons on the ground. Persimmons are not a super common fruit here in America, it is not likely that someone would buy and feed their dog persimmons. Many grocery stores do not even carry persimmons.
You may be wondering, can dogs eat Persimmons? First, let’s understand what a Persimmon is. What’s the difference between a ripe and unripe Persimmon?
And, should you allow your dog to eat them? Here are some tips. Read on to discover whether your dog can eat Persimmons! Or, at least, enjoy a delicious Persimmon with your dog!
What is a persimmon?
A persimmon is a delicious Asian fruit that is widely available from late summer through the fall. Persimmons should be stored in a crisper drawer of a refrigerator. You can scoop out the fruit and save it for future use by making persimmon jelly. It contains a high concentration of vitamin A and is an excellent source of fiber and manganese.
Persimmons originated in China. In the 1850s, Commodore Matthew C. Perry brought seeds to the United States and Japanese immigrants later planted them in California. The Digyna persimmon, which grows in Mexico, is often considered the most delicious type of persimmon.
When ripe, it tastes like chocolate pudding. It should not be confused with the Maru persimmon, which is a rare cultivar from Asia. Persimmons were used as coffee substitutes during the Civil War.
Hachiya persimmons are the most common varieties. These fruits have high tannin levels, and before they soften, they are unappealing. You can remove these tannins by exposing them to sunlight for a few days or wrapping them in paper. Either method increases the ethylene concentration in the air, which helps ripen the persimmon. To prepare a fuyu persimmon, cut the top and remove the large black seeds.

Difference between Ripe and Non Ripe Persimmons
One of the most important steps in determining the quality of a persimmon is to determine its ripeness. Ripe persimmons are bright orange, while unripe ones are a darker shade of orange.
While unripe persimmons may still be edible, they have a chalky or bitter taste. Unripe persimmons may have a pungent smell, which may indicate rotting. If you find the skin to be wrinkly or cracked, you might be dealing with an unripe persimmon.
The difference between a tad-bitter persimmon and a ripe persimmon can be a crucial one for consumers. Ripe persimmons are less bitter than non-ripe ones and have an astringent skin. They can be eaten without peeling or cooking, as their skin is astringent.
But, if you’re looking for a delicious fruit for your kitchen, you’re in luck! This versatile fruit is delicious served warm or cold, as well as in pies, cakes, and other desserts.
In Western countries, persimmons are classified as either astringent or non-astringent, based on the texture and flavor. Choosing the fruit that is ripe will depend on how you plan to prepare it. Unripe persimmons should be stored for at least a few days before they are used for cooking or eating. While they are generally safe to eat, they should not be eaten raw if they are not ripe.
Calling the Vet if your Dog eats a Persimmon
You can always call your vet and ask. If this happens while you’re out at a park, for instance, I would take a picture of what your dog ate, or grab one from the ground.
Some other native berries and plants look like persimmons, or may be in the persimmon family, but may not be a persimmon. Always best to be safe!
Will dogs eat persimmons?
Many dogs will eat persimmons. I have had dogs who would eat just about anything!
Although dogs can eat persimmons, they shouldn’t eat them in large amounts because the seeds can cause blockages in their digestive systems.
This is especially true for small dogs.
Besides being a great source of fiber, persimmons also contribute to your dog’s good eyesight and skin.
While persimmons are good for your dog, you should avoid giving them the seeds or pits. Not only do they pose choking hazards, they can also cause intestinal blockage. Your dog should be examined by a veterinarian immediately if he or she exhibits these symptoms. Or anything out of the ordinary.
But even if persimmons are safe to feed your dog, it should be given in small amounts. If your dog shows signs of digestive upset, you can increase the amount of persimmons gradually until your dog is accustomed to the taste and texture.
Persimmons contain large seeds, which can be dangerous for your dog. Their seeds are also slightly large, and may cause choking if your dog eats them. Besides choking hazards, the seeds may also irritate your dog’s digestive system.
The result can be an obstruction, requiring surgery. In any case, it’s best to remove the seeds before feeding your dog.
And, you can always make your dog their own healthy dog treats, such as a sweet potato dog treat.
Should your dog eat persimmons?
Dried persimmons are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber. This fruit is also a good alternative to processed, high-calorie treats for dogs. Although persimmons are nutritious, it is important to monitor your dog’s intake to prevent intestinal blockage.
You should also consult your veterinarian if your dog is showing signs of ill health or an irregular bowel movement. In addition to persimmons, your dog may enjoy other fruits and vegetables that are just as health for your dog. And less risky!
You can give your dog cooked or dried persimmons, but make sure to remove any seeds beforehand. Persimmons are high in sugar and can cause tummy problems in dogs. While cooked persimmons are safe for dogs, dried persimmons are high in sugar and may cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs.
Additionally, you should remember to remove the skin of persimmons before giving them to your dog.
There are two types of persimmons: fuyu and hachiya. The former is more toxic, while the latter is not harmful to dogs. While the seeds and pit are not toxic to dogs, the fruit’s fibrous skin and stem are. In addition, persimmon leaves are high in fiber, which may cause stomach problems.
However, if you’re unsure whether or not persimmons are safe for your dog, consult your veterinarian for advice.
Benefits of a Dog Eating Persimmons
One of the healthiest fruits for a dog to eat is the persimmon. Persimmons are full of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which helps regulate the digestive system. But too much fiber can cause diarrhea, which isn’t fun for anyone.
You should only feed persimmons to your dog when they are ripe and have no pit or seeds. Otherwise, they could choke on the seeds and can end up in the intestines.
The nutrients in persimmons are good for a dog’s health, including its heart, immune system, and skin. But some dogs may have an upset stomach if they eat a persimmon. It’s important to remove the pit and seeds from the fruit before feeding it to your dog.
If your dog vomits after eating the persimmon, it’s best to call a vet for advice.
Although persimmons have many benefits for a dog, they should be fed sparingly and with caution. Because persimmons are high in sugar, they may cause diarrhea in dogs. And that can spiral into dehydration and other issues.
So, if your dog eats one, or a few bites, I wouldn’t panic. But, I also wouldn’t make it a regular treat or snack either. There are other, better options that are just as healthy without the risks.