Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers? What Happens If They Do!

If your dog grabbed a bell pepper off of your kitchen counter, you might ask yourself, can dogs eat bell peppers? This is your guide to feeding dogs bell peppers.

When choosing what to include in a dog’s food, you should always do so keeping in mind they need a balanced diet.

Table of Contents

Green bell peppers in a bowl with a leash.

Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

The short answer to that question is yes! But there are a few things you should know before adding a bowl full of peppers to your dog’s diet. Is it really a good idea?

While it is ok for a dog to eat peppers and can be a healthy addition to a dog’s food when adding to a dog’s diet it still should be done in moderation.

Even though it is a healthy vegetable and a great addition, you should still be mindful of the types of peppers you add to your dog food.

Can Dogs Eat Peppers?

While all peppers are non-toxic to dogs, some should still be avoided as they run a higher risk of a dog’s digestive system not adapting to them well.

Can dogs eat green peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat green peppers.

Can dogs eat red peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat red peppers and they are the most nutritious bell peppers.

Can dogs eat yellow peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat yellow peppers.

Can dogs eat sweet peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat all sweet peppers in moderation.

Can dogs eat banana peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat banana peppers.

Can dogs eat cooked bell peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked or raw bell peppers. Make sure they are not cooked with any added fat or seasonings.

Can dogs eat hot peppers?

No, dogs should not eat hot peppers. Red chili peppers should also be avoided. This is because spicy capsaicin is well known for causing stomach issues or a burning sensation in the stomach.

This could cause pain for your dog as well as diarrhea. Much like spicy foods can cause those issues in people. There is also capsaicin in bell peppers but it is much much lower and does not normally cause any issues, unlike hot peppers.

Are jalapenos bad for dogs?

Yes, technically dogs can eat jalapeno peppers but they shouldn’t because they are spicy and would upset your dog’s stomach.

Are bell peppers good for dogs?

Peppers make a healthy addition because they are packed with essential vitamins, essential nutrients and are low in calories. They do not have much fat either.

While they do have some fiber in them, they are not considered to be high-fiber food. Which is a good thing.

While a dog does need some fiber in their diet, they are mainly meat-eaters. When given too much fiber it can affect their bowel movements.

They do also contain a very low amount of vitamin k.

Peppers do come in different colors and each color has a slightly different nutritional value. Red peppers have some of the highest amounts of vitamins.

So the color of the bell pepper you use will determine how much nutritional value the dog will get.

But any color of bell pepper still has value and can be good for a dog’s body. 

Nutritional Value In Bell Peppers

Let’s go over a few of the benefits peppers add to the diet.

Vitamin C
This vitamin is great for building up a dog’s immune system as well as people’s.

Vitamin A
A is needed in the diet to help with vision and growth as well as overall health.

Vitamin B6
B6 has a huge role in overall health including the generation of glucose, healthy nervous system function, and red blood cells among other things. Making it a needed vitamin for good heart health in dogs.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is essential for fat metabolism and cell function. If your dog has E deficiencies, it can lead to reproductive problems, and muscle as well as eye degeneration. Vitamin E is also really good for their coat and healthy skin.

Beta Carotene
Beta Carotene and vitamins A are kind of like one and the same. Meaning beta-carotene actually produces vitamin A. So having beta-carotene in the diet helps a dog’s skin, and coat and promotes good eye health.

Pantothenic Acid
Is also known as vitamin B5. This is needed in all animals as it helps to metabolize and synthesize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

To sum it up your dog needs all of these nutritional benefits in their diet as well as some other vitamins, fats, and minerals to have a healthy immune system,  and just be healthy all the way around.

Nutritional Value Color Comparison:

To help you better understand the difference by color, we are going to break it down and compare a red bell pepper to green bell pepper. The info below was found on

Red Bell Pepper 114g Serving:

Calories: 32
Fat: 2.1
Carbs: 7.6g
Protein: 1g
Dietary Fiber: 1.4g
Potassium: 189mg
Sodium 2.3mg
Vitamin A: 67%
Vitamin C: 325%

Green Bell Pepper 114g Serving:

Calories: 32
Fat: 2.1
Carbs: 7.6g
Protein: 1g
Dietary Fiber: 1.4g
Potassium: 189mg
Sodium 2.3mg
Vitamin A: 11%
Vitamin C: 141%

Are peppers toxic for dogs?

We have been talking about all the best benefits of feeding dogs peppers, but as with anything that is considered human food even things like feeding your dog flaxseed should be done in moderation.

Dr. Danel Grimmett says, “not to overload your pet, because GI upset can occur”

GI upset is also called upset stomach. This can happen when a dog is overloaded with too much of one thing or if that food just does not agree with your dog.

Dogs are much like humans meaning just because one can eat something, it does not mean they all can. Older dogs are ones that are normally a little more touchy when it comes to their diet.

This is partly because of their age and they normally have more health issues.

An allergic reaction can happen if your dog is allergic to peppers. The good news is it is rare.

After giving your dog plain bell peppers or any pepper if you notice any adverse effects or stomach upsets the peppers should be discontinued from their food.

Does the Size Of the Dog Matter?

It can. How many peppers you feed your dog will depend on the size of your dog. Large dogs eat more than small dogs, therefor smaller dogs should not be fed as many peppers as you would give larger dogs.

Because when you feed a dog bell peppers, you don’t want it to be the bulk of their diet. You have to watch so that you don’t feed them too much bell pepper.

More of something even when it is healthy foods is not always a good thing.

How to feed dogs peppers

The important thing to remember when giving any peppers for the first time is to start out by giving small amounts of bell peppers to see how well your dog can handle them.

That is pretty much the general rule and the best way to start any new food. They should always be started in small quantities as it really is the best option.

You can give them small pieces or small slices of raw peppers if your dog likes the flavor or they can also be cooked and added to their food or treats.

Keep in mind that raw vegetables always have the most nutritional value as some can be lost when cooked.

Pieces of raw bell peppers make a wonderful healthy treat for your dog. While it does not have to be an occasional treat, it still should not make up the largest part of your dog’s diet.

There is such a thing as them having too much pepper. You should always strive to keep your dog on a healthy diet.

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