Can German Shepherds eat Watermelon?
Can German Shepherds eat Watermelon?
If you’re enjoying some watermelon you might have wondered, can German Shepherds eat watermelon?
Yes, feeding your dog watermelon is entirely safe; in fact, it has high medicinal value. However, before you provide this yummy fruit to your German Shepherd, make sure you understand how to do it properly.
Table of Contents
Health Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs
1. Hydration
Watermelon is made up of 92% water. As a result, it’s a delightful and healthy method for your German Shepherd to stay hydrated. Whether chilled or frozen, watermelon can also assist your dog cool down and prevent overheating during summer.
2. It contains lycopene
Watermelon is very high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent various ailments and promotes overall wellness.
3. It’s a good source of vitamins
Watermelons contain a lot of vitamins such as Vit C, Vit A, and Vit B6. These vitamins work together to boost your dog’s immunity, provide good eyesight, and keep nerve function in check.
4. High potassium level
Potassium is one of the most important electrolytes for your dog’s health. It aids muscular function and hydration.
How to feed watermelon to a dog?
1. Wash and clean thoroughly
The watermelon may contain pesticides and other toxins on its core (i.e., the hard part of fruits containing the seeds); therefore, you should wash it before serving your pet. To effectively remove any dangerous elements, run the fruit under cold water.
2. Peel off and remove the seeds
Watermelon is made up of 92% water. As a result, it’s a pleasant and nourishing method for your dog to stay hydrated. Also, serving your dog watermelon, whether cool or iced, helps relax the body system and reduce thermal discomfort in the summertime.
3. Slice into bits
Before serving your pet watermelon, slice it up into small pieces. Doing this helps to ensure that all the seeds are completely removed. It also makes chewing and digesting easier for them.
4. Sampling technique
When giving your German Shepherd any strange fruit, first try a small bite as a sample to determine if he enjoys the taste. Also, observe for a few minutes to see if the fruit has any effect on them.
Although several fruits are regarded as healthy for all dogs, each dog is different, and you should ensure yours isn’t allergic to whatever you’re going to feed them.
5. Control Intake
If your German Shepherd loves to eat watermelon, it is prone to overeating; therefore, you need to keep an eye on it to control its intake.
Mature German Shepherds can typically eat about 1/2 cup of watermelon slices; however, pups should be confined to much less.
Can GSDs eat other kinds of melon?
Various melons are safe for dog consumption and have a high nutritional profile, such as muskmelon, honeydew melon, and cantaloupe. However, before feeding your pet these fruits, you need to know a few things:
- Be moderate – most melons have a higher sugar content; therefore, it’s important to remember to feed them to your German Shepherd in moderation. Excess melon can cause digestive problems such as constipation, and diarrhea which causes more harm than good to your furry friend. One slice of melon is a recommended meal size.
- Your pet can eat the inner portion of a melon, but you shouldn’t allow them to eat the peel because it can cause stomach discomfort.
- Ensure you serve your dog seedless melons. Although many adult German Shepherds are unaffected by a few seeds, pups seem to have complications.
Watermelon Treats for Dogs
Melons have high water content and therefore make fantastic summer treats and keep your dog hydrated on hot days.
I suggest cutting the melon into thin pieces or scooping a few melon balls into your dog’s food dish.
What Fruits can German Shepherds Eat?
Apart from melons, your dogs can eat many other fruits that are safe and high in nutrients. They include:
1. Apple
This is a great fruit to give your German Shepherd because they are rich in vitamins and fiber. Wash the apple and ensure the cores and seeds are completely removed before serving it to your dog, as particular portions of the apple could be poisonous. For more detail about apples check out this article Can German Shepherds eat Apples?
2. Apricot
Apricots provide numerous health benefit services. With a few slices of apricot, your GSD gets a dose of vitamins C, A, K, and B carotene. Although the apricot core is entirely harmless, the seeds, leaves, and stems contain cyanide and are poisonous to your pet, hence ensure you remove it all. They also have fiber content, so eating too many can cause stomach upset for your dog.
3. Banana
Giving bananas to your German Shepherd will boost the potassium level in their diet. Banana is good for the heart and kidney; however, you shouldn’t overfeed your dog with them because it has a high amount of sugar and might upset your dog’s stomach if consumed in excess.
4. Blackberry
Blackberry has high medicinal value. It is an antioxidant, rich in fiber, and one of the most recommended fruits for dogs.
5. Blueberry
Blueberries are well-known for their antioxidant properties and the health benefits it offers to humans; however, they are also beneficial to dogs. It is a great anti-inflammatory agent; hence if your German Shepherd has arthritis, including blueberry in its diet can help reduce the inflammation.
6. Coconut
Coconut is an excellent source of antioxidants for your furry friend. You can add Coconut oil to your dog’s diet; this helps improve overall wellness and their coat’s gleam.
7. Mango
Mango is both tasty and healthy for your German Shepherd. It contains vitamins A, C, E, and Pyridoxine, a nourishing treat for your pet. Make sure to remove its peel/seeds, and it should only be fed to your pet in moderation because of Its high-sugar content.
8. Pear
Pear is rich in vitamin K, which is essential for bone development. It is heavy in sugar, and only 1 or 2 slices are recommended for your pet.
9. Pineapple
It contains essential vitamins and minerals which can help boost your dog’s immunity and digestive. However, it should be served to your dog in a limited quantity because of its sugar content.