Labrador Vomiting Issues? Here’s the Ultimate Guide to Help!

Are you wondering why my Labrador is vomiting lately? It could be because of a variety of reasons and the look of the vomit will tell you a lot. Read our guide to learn more.

There are many reasons why dogs vomit. Some causes are harmless, but vomiting can also signify a significant health problem requiring immediate veterinarian attention.

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Although It can be challenging to differentiate, it’s essential to understand why Labradors vomit, when to be concerned, and how you can help them.

In this post, I will highlight a couple of reasons why your Labrador might be doing it and how you can get it to stop.

My Labrador is Vomiting

Labrador Throwing Up Causes

1. Poor nutrition 

Your dog’s nutrition could be the source of vomiting. It’s possible that it’s been overeating or that it’s been eating something it shouldn’t have been consuming.

It is more likely to begin vomiting following a change in its diet or after being fed specific foods. It is essential to consult your veterinarian about its diet and ensure no one feeds it without your knowledge.

2. Dehydration 

It’s also possible that your Labrador is dehydrated if it hasn’t had access to water for a long time. To help, you should provide it with water before taking it to a veterinarian.

3. Heatstroke

Heatstroke can cause your Labrador to vomit after being out in the sun for a long time. In this situation, it would be beneficial to follow the instructions in this article and take it to a veterinarian.

4. Motion sickness

If it starts vomiting after riding in a car, it is most likely due to motion sickness. In this scenario, you should avoid driving it around if possible and feed it after moving it around instead of before.

5. Eating something poisonous 

The reason why your dog has been vomiting might be because he ate something he shouldn’t have. For instance, eating a poisonous plant, eating an object that bounces around in its stomach by causing an obstruction, could develop into a chronic health problem if you don’t know it is in there.

6. Drinking Contaminated water

Water from puddles and communal drinking bowls can induce bacterial imbalances in dogs, leading to gastrointestinal distress such as vomiting. 

7. Moving too soon after a meal 

If it throws up soon after eating, It could be because it is active too soon after eating. You can try feeding it smaller portions and training it to sit to make it calmer after eating.

8. Intestinal Parasites

In a dog, parasites can also cause vomiting. Most times, we are unaware that our dog is carrying a parasite. Then all of a sudden, they may begin to exhibit symptoms like vomiting. 

9. Distress

Another possible reason is that something is causing it to be stressed. It is more likely that it began vomiting after a stressful event. For instance, It could be unwell when someone it doesn’t like is around, another pet has passed away, or an owner has left.

Providing it good attention, walking it, teaching it, and giving it things to be preoccupied with would alleviate its stress in this scenario. If possible, it would also be beneficial to eliminate the source of stress.

10. Illness & Diseases

The reason why your Labrador has been vomiting could also be that it has gotten an illness or disease. It is more likely if it began suddenly and frequently and is exhibiting other symptoms of illness such as excessive thirst or urination, diarrhea, gagging, sneezing & coughing, refusal to eat for over 24 hours, and so on.

My Labrador is Vomiting

Labrador Dog Vomiting: What to Consider

1. How the vomiting began (i.e., suddenly or gradually)

If it didn’t always throw up the way it has, It would be helpful to consider what happened when it first started. If it began vomiting suddenly, there’s a possibility that an event triggered it. Still, If your Labrador has been vomiting a lot over weeks, it can be due to eating something unusual. Still, it could also be due to illness or disease. Taking it to a vet would be the best option.

2. Content of the vomit 

It is necessary to inspect the vomit to see if there is anything there that shouldn’t be. If you find grass or small stones in there, it likely vomited due to eating them.

3. When and where it usually vomits

It is necessary to consider whether there is a specific time when it vomits more, as timing could be a factor. For example, suppose it occurs immediately after eating. In that case, it can be due to eating too fast, eating something toxic, or exercising immediately after eating.

What does your Labrador’s vomit look?

Types of vomiting in dogs

The color of the vomit can aid in determining the cause of your Labrador’s vomit.

1. Whitish, Bubbly Vomit 

An accumulation of stomach acid can cause vomit that appears white and bubbly. The bubbles in the vomit may as a result of it coming in contact with air. 

2. Yellowish Vomit

When a dog’s stomach is empty, yellow vomit is typical, and bile secretions cause this yellow color. It mostly happens in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

3. Colorless Vomit

If your Labrador vomits a colorless liquid, it could be due to secretions in the stomach or water pooling, which come up on its own when hurled. It is common when a dog drinks while having nausea and is unable to push down the water.

4. Mucus-like Vomit

This often happens when your Labrador drools and pools into the stomach due to significant irritation. The dog relieves its nausea by vomiting up the mucus.

5. Bloody vomit

The presence of blood in your dog’s vomit should be taken seriously. When blood clots in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT), a condition known as oesophageal thrombosis, induces nausea. 

6. Brownish Vomit

Brownish vomit could be disgorged food in the esophagus that was never digested in the stomach. It could also mean that your Labrador ate too fast and did not chew the food correctly or that he swallowed a lot of air when gulping it down.

However, while brownish vomit can appear to be nothing more than regurgitated kibbles, there may be more to it. It is best to examine the vomit to figure out what the contents are about. For instance, this could be an indication of coprophagia (i.e., eating feces).

7. Greenish Vomit

Eating grass can result in green vomit. A gallbladder contraction could also cause it prior to vomiting (usually on an empty stomach), which results in bile in the stomach.

8. Grass-like vomit

Grass is a common component of dog vomit. When dogs have an upset stomach, they frequently eat grass and dirt, which can sometimes result in vomiting. However, if they consume grass often, there’s a chance they’re ingesting more pesticides and parasites.

9. Vomit with Worms

Dogs can vomit as a result of worms and other pathogenic organisms. A dog may vomit up live worms such as roundworms, ringworms, and tapeworms if they are present. (They usually shed eggs that may be seen in the dog’s feces, which is the only way to detect them).

How to stop dog vomiting at home

  • Don’t make a drastic adjustment to your dog’s diet. Always take things slowly. In dogs, abrupt dietary changes are a typical cause of intestinal distress.
  • Give your dog toys that cannot be ingested or chewed into tiny pieces to prevent GI irritation or blockage.
  • Do not feed bones to your dog. These are frequently linked to vomiting episodes as well.
  • Avoid feeding it table scraps. Some human foods are toxic and dangerous to dogs (for example, grapes, raisins, garlic, chives, macadamia nuts, chocolate, xylitol, onions, and high-fat items).
  • Prevent your dog from scavenging for food on walks or having access to garbage cans. Scavenging increases the risk of ingesting foreign bodies and being exposed to toxins. Veterinarians commonly refer to the gastroenteritis caused by consuming scavenged items as “garbage gut.”
  • Keep a close eye on overly curious dogs. You could even try using a muzzle to keep them from eating anything they come across while walking.
My Labrador is Vomiting

How to reduce how much your Labrador vomits

Here are some things you can do if your Labrador is frequently vomiting.

1. Consider taking it to the vet

If your Labrador has frequently been vomiting and you are unsure why, the best option is to take it to a veterinarian. You will get expert advice tailored to your specific Labrador and rule out any medical causes. 

2. Feed them smaller portions

If your Labrador vomits after eating, try feeding it a smaller portion of food but more frequently in the daytime. By doing this, you should limit how much food it consumes at once and reduce the likelihood of it vomiting.  

3. Wait a while before exercising it

It’s a good idea to wait a few minutes after your Labrador has eaten before exercising it. You could train it to calm down if it runs around a lot right after eating.

4. Proper nutrition 

Ensure you are feeding it the proper diet and not eating things it shouldn’t. It is best to consult your veterinarian about its diet and make sure no one else provides it without your knowledge.

5. Access to shade and water

If the weather has turned hot where you live, ensure it has access to water, shade, and a cool room, and that you exercise it in the morning or evening when it is cooler.

6. Be tender, loving, and caring to them

If your dog is ill, empathize with them and provide them with the love, care, and treatment they require. They’ll probably feel better soon, and you will as well.

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