Why Puppy Won’t Poop Outside? Easy 7 Day Training Guide

Why Puppy Won’t Poop Outside

This is a very common problem for dog owners, especially first-time dog owners that wonder, “why puppy won’t poop outside”. If your puppy keeps refusing to poop outside and even holds its poop to pass it in the house, this blog is going to help you.

As a dog parent, you must have a firm grip and patience with the potty training process. You have to try potty training whenever your puppy goes inside the home.

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But once your puppy is 12 weeks old, it’s the right time to potty train it. You need to be consistent with potty training.

Before 12 weeks, your pup was not strong enough to control its bowel movements. But now, they should get themselves ready to learn manners.

But, even after weeks of training, your puppy refuses to poop outside the house; what can be the reason?

Many puppies do not like the feel of grass. Also, some puppies do not like cold weather and will avoid going outside. 

You need to clean up all accidents in the house with an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of all of the poop and pee smell that dogs can pick up on. Puppies will smell the scent of where they went and continue going there.

Puppy sitting on grass looking angry.
Photo by Austin Kirk on Unsplash

Most of the dog parents bring their puppies inside the house after they go poop outside. Your puppy may interpret this as the end of the playing session.

That’s why they hold their poop to play for a longer time. Furthermore, the reason can be the opposite that your puppy hates going out of the house.

Additionally, new sites, sounds, and even smells outside the house may distract them, and they keep playing.

No matter what, puppies will have to learn to do their business outside the house.

As a dog parent, you should know the best rules for potty training your puppy. Follow the overall steps in sequence for results.

Firstly, know how many times a puppy should poop.

How many times a day should a puppy poop?

Generally, the younger your puppy is, the more frequently it will need to poop. A puppy with a healthy routine should poop from one to five times a day.

The number keeps changing depending on the habits and as well as the age of your puppy.

Know that there is nothing to worry about if your puppy is frequently pooping five times a day; it’s their regular.

But, if your tiny furry friend is pooping just once a day, maybe they are suffering from constipation. Now that’s an issue.

As puppies get older they will poop less and will be able to control their bowel movements for a longer period.

The frequency of bowel movements is related to the number of meals that you are serving per day.

Usually, if you are doing three meals per day, expect two to five stools a day.

How long should I wait for my puppy to poop outside?

Soon after waking up, after having the meal, and after they complete a playing session, your puppy will need to poop. Depending on this, the time to wait for your puppy to poop may vary.

When your puppy wakes up in the morning, and you take it outside the home to poop, you may have to wait for 5 to 10 minutes. After meals or after playing, you may have to wait more than 10 minutes.

But usually, you should wait for 45 minutes for your Puppy to poop outside. This is the average time mentioned in research and surveys from the puppy owners.

How can I get my Puppy to poop outside?

A guide for training your dog to poop outside: 7 days to get your Puppy. Follow this guide for best results.

Day 1 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Developing the specific timetable

Remember that young puppies should have mini small meals a day. This will result in going to the bathroom many times. 

Day 2 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Establish a steady timetable for potty breaks

The following stage is to set up a potty break regular timetable. On the off chance that your puppy is very young, you should take him out every hour.

Take him out after they eat dinner and when they wake up in the morning and after a nap. In addition, taking your little guy out when he got done with playing is a good idea too.

Day 3 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Get your puppy acquainted with going to the bathroom in the same area each time

Day 4 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Keep yourself mindful of the signs that your canine is going to go, at that point, take him to the potty area

In the appropriate response of “How to train your Puppy to poop outside, day 4 is for knowing the signs. In particular, you should know the signs.

Day 5 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Fewer mishaps inside the house or room ought to occur. On the off chance that one happens, show your canine the potty spot.

Maybe you see a couple of mishaps in your home. Nothing to stress over; it happens once in a while when your puppy is young.

Day 6 for training your puppy to poop outside

Day 6 is tied in with affirming that if you are keeping up the consistency or not. 

Day 7 for training your puppy to poop outside

Objective: Reinforce the flimsy parts

It’s the late day of the week. If your puppy is experiencing difficulty with the training, attempt to zero in on that particular perspective. Build up the acceptable conduct of your puppy by giving them a treat.

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