Taming the Beast: How Destructive Are German Shepherds?

Are you regretting adopting this super energetic and giant breed?

Don’t panic!

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You are not dealing with a shark; it’s just a cute German Shepherd with some destructive tendencies. 

Are German Shepherds Destructive

Are German Shepherds destructive? 

Yes, German Shepherds are destructive if they are not trained or raised properly. It means the destructive nature varies from dog to dog. The German Shepherd is a super active breed, and if it is not given a lot of exercise it gets certain behavioral issues, and being destructive is one of them.

Some parents will say that their German Shepherd is well-mannered and never destroy things. While on the other hand, some will say that their dog is always destroying objects and chewing whatever comes it’s way.

The difference is not in the German Shepherd’s nature, but it’s actually in how you are raising it. The German Shepherd is a breed that demands a lot of responsibility.

The breed is more prone to get behavioral issues if you are not providing them with proper training and time. Along with this, there are multiple reasons which turn your sweet dog into a destructive one.

Getting more into the discussion will make you realize that sometimes destructive behavior is temporary, such as teething, fear, and separation anxiety. But mostly it can be permanent due to lack of training.

Let’s have a look at the possible reasons for the destructive dog behavior.

Why does my German Shepherd destroy everything?

1. Teething

If your German Shepherd is in its puppyhood and giving you destructive behavior, teething can be the reason. Most of the time, German Shepherd puppies suffer from behavioral issues when they enter into their teething phase.

Moreover, they may start chewing everything to get rid of the irritation in their gums. This reason can be true when your puppy reaches 6 months old, and suddenly it starts chewing objects.

Parents need to understand that their German Shepherd needs some special care in these months. Giving them suitable chewing toys will help your puppy, and it will not be as destructive.

2. Boredom

When you are not home, and your dog has nothing to do, it will start destroying things. No matter what the size and age of your dog, it will destroy things out of boredom.

Even if your dog is well-trained, boredom can cause them to become destructive. So, if you don’t have enough time to spend with your dog, then you must give them some toys or consider sending them to doggy daycare.

3. Nature

There is a possibility that your German Shepherd is more destructive than the other dogs of the same breed. It may be due to the aggressive and dominant nature of your dog.

All you can do is be patient and consistent with training sessions. Crate training or doggy daycare is also a good approach when you are not around and still want to train your dog.

4. Separation anxiety

The cause of the destructive behavior can be separation anxiety because your dog never wants to be alone.

When left alone, it may become more anxious, which forces it to destroy things in anger. Or maybe your dog is coping with separation anxiety by destruction.

Training your dog to behave well is another good approach to getting rid of destruction. It is crucial to mention if you are not training your dog properly, its destructive behavior may result in more behavioral issues.

Are German Shepherds Destructive

Do German Shepherds destroy things?

The German Shepherd is a super energetic and active breed that is more prone to develop tendencies when its exercise needs are not met.

Do German Shepherds destroy things? Yes, when your German Shepherd suffers from an illness, teething, separation anxiety, and fear, it may ruin something to cope with these feelings. Within these destructive tendencies, the German Shepherd can destroy everything. You will find them digging holes and chewing up furniture, shoes, etc.

This happens when your dog is not getting the right type of exercise according to its breed and temperament.

No matter the root of this destructive behavior, you can easily train your doggy to calm down. 

All you have to do is to reverse the reason for these destructive behaviors. Therefore you must know about the reasons for the root of behavior before actually treating it.

Are German Shepherds Destructive

How to stop German Shepherds from destroying things?

It is crucial to manage a destructive or aggressive dog; otherwise, it will keep destroying things. 

1. Positive enforcement

Don’t forget to reward your German Shepherd when it is behaving according to you. Give your German Shepherd delicious treats when it is obeying your commands and is calm.

Your German Shepherd is quite intelligent, and it will quickly understand what type of behavior you are expecting.

2. Chewing toys

If your dog has a habit of chewing everything when aggressive, you must bring him chewing toys. Your dog will satisfy its instincts without ruining your furniture or shoes.

Ensure that you are not giving a bunch of toys to your dog at once but give just a few of them and keep the others away.

If you leave all of its toys on the floor, then the dog may interpret that all things on the floor are ok to chew.

3. Supervise your dog

It is crucial to mention that you must supervise your German Shepherd at home to ensure that they are not developing any behavioral issues.

Teach your dog the wait and sit command so that you can make it calm when aggressive or destructive.

4. Train properly

If your German Shepherd is not behaving well, it is completely your fault. Raising a well-mannered and calm dog is the owner’s responsibility. So make sure that you are training your German Shepherd soon after adopting it.

According to us, hiring a trainer for your German Shepherd is less expensive than damage to your furniture.

5. Regular exercise

German Shepherds are energetic, and their need for exercise is more compared to other breeds.

You have to exercise your dog to help avoid behavioral issues.

6. Change food

Sometimes food is the cause of destructive behavior in dogs. This could be food sensitivity, allergy, or lack of something. 

Try changing your German Shepherd’s diet to see if you notice a difference.

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