Why Isn’t My Labrador Barking? 7 Surprising Reasons

Wondering why my Labrador is not barking? We’ll share 7 reasons why this happens and a training guide on how to train them to bark on command.

Why My Labrador Is Not Barking?

Labrador not barking? 

Sometimes Labs do not bark becaused they have a laidback personality. They see people as friendly so when they see them approaching the home they wag their tail instead of barking. 

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Why are Labs so quiet?

If you find that your Lab is quiet, consider yourself lucky! Labs are not known for being guard dogs. Many Labs are very quiet. Here’s a few reasons why.

1. Maybe it’s the way they are

If your puppy is a few months old and you wonder why it does not bark, maybe it is wired that way. Not barking is quite common within the Labrador breed, and they are considered quiet dogs.

Most dogs start barking when they are a couple months old. But Labradors show the opposite behavior that they bark significantly less or do not bark at all.

If there is no physical evidence of pain or other medical conditions, then not barking is normal in Labradors.

2. Labrador is shy

If your puppy is newly adopted, it is possible that it is shy of new people and doesn’t want to open up. 

Wait until your Lab is older to see their true personality.

3. Not yet accustomed

There is a possibility that your brand new Labrador is not barking because it is not used to you yet. It may take a few weeks to develop a sense of familiarity within your Labrador and to feel comfortable around you.

So give some time to your puppy and let it adjust to the new things. With time by noticing your love and care for itself, Labrador will start being vocal.

4. Underlying medical issues

Like humans, Labradors can also be affected by some medical issues, resulting in their non-barking nature.

If you notice your puppy is not barking even it usually barks a lot, there can be some medical issue. Some thyroid or respiratory problems along with chronic diseases cause difficulty in barking.

While on the other hand, there can be a condition that excessive barking dog has hurt its throat.

5. Past trauma

On the sadder side of things, some past trauma can be a reason why your Labrador is quiet. 

It is pretty common for dogs to be fearful when they are around humans. All this happened due to their past experiences.

Don’t worry; you can quickly improve your dog’s behavior with love and affection, training and by spending quality time with them.

6. Getting older

Most dogs, especially Labradors, stop being vocal as they grow old.

7. Not trained to bark

Your Labrador might be trained not to bark. If this is the case, you’re doing a great job.

Why My Labrador Is Not Barking

When do Lab puppies start barking?

Labradors start to bark when they are about three months old.

So if your puppy is older than this specific age and still not barking, it may need training or a consultation.

How do I get my Labrador to bark?

It’s time to train your dog to bark on command.

Let me be clear, don’t force your dog to bark at silly things; teach it to bark at something fishy, i.e., a stranger entering the home.

There is a wide range of training methods by different experts. The best way to train your Labrador to bark is the “treat hiding method” or “excite your pup method.”

1. Spend time with your Labrador

When you want your Labrador to bark at strangers, you must bring it to the backyard of your home and start playing or spending time with it.

Outside practice is highly appreciated because it’s good to teach your puppy with lots of distractions.

2. Hide the treat

Having your pup’s favorite treat in your hand is like having all of its attention. No matter what, your Labrador wants that treat at each cost. Even dogs cannot digest the point of why you hide their treat. 

3. Please wait until it barks; give it a treat

After hiding the treat in front of your dog, it’s time to wait for its response. After all of its tantrums, like shaking its tail and moving around you, Labrador will bark for sure to demand that hiding treat.

Soon after you get it to bark, give them a treat.

4. Introduce bark command

While providing a treat to your dog, it’s better to use a verbal cue. Select a strong word that should not go unnoticed by your dog. Again, provide a treat to your Labrador when you get the desired behavior.

5. Try without a treat

When your dog is used to barking on command, try getting it to bark without using a treat.

The overall process may take a week or 10 days if you are consistent. Without consistency, it may take longer to train your Labrador to bark.

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