Beat the Heat: 12 Crucial Summer Safety Tips for Dogs!
Summertime is a great time to relax and enjoy the weather, but it’s also important to remember to keep your dog healthy and safe. From sunscreen tips to advice on avoiding heatstroke, check out these 12 summer safety tips for dogs!
This season can be exciting and fun, taking a break from all the hectic schedules of school, work, and other business activities in our lives.
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Summer is just around the corner. Definitely, the heat is ON! It is important to learn how to take care of dogs in summer.

As the hot weather and temperature rapidly rise, the importance of having to take care of our pets is vital.
Just like humans experience exhaustion and heat issues, so do our pets. Plus, they are more sensitive and crucial because they usually just show signs of heart issues.
That is why it is necessary to know the importance of how you can protect your pets from heat problems this summer season.
A fun-filled summertime with you and your pets can be enjoyed with some precautions and summer wellness tips.
12 Dog Tips for Summer
Stick around as we are going to guide you through 12 summer wellness tips for your pets!
1. Provide plenty of water
The easiest way to prevent and avoid heat issues is for your pets to always stay hydrated. If water is vital for humans, especially during this hot season then so are pets.
Make sure to always have a constant supply of fresh and clean water accessible to your pets.
Staying hydrated has many benefits such as improving body functions, reducing health issues, and avoiding heat stress, especially during the heating season this summer.
It is essential and you must always be reminded about your pet getting hydrated from time to time.

2. Do not leave your pet unattended!!!
Over the years, there have been many cases of pets being left unattended on a hot sunny day leading to heat issues.
One issue to prevent is to not tie your dog up outside on a hot day! This is definitely not okay and can lead to heatstroke.
Although many pets are adventurous and love the outdoors, even if you say that they are well-trained, leaving them outside on a hot day can be dangerous for your pets.
Another thing to keep in mind is to not leave your pets unattended inside the car. Even if you are just going on a quick errand, it is still a big no to leave your dog without supervision in a car. The hot temperature can rise quickly causing overheating and heatstroke can be possible.
3. Keep parasites away
Fleas, ticks, and other blood-sucking parasites are common, especially during the summertime.
There are many options and several treatments on how you can treat and prevent these annoying parasites that can be a nuisance for your pets and even at your home.
Some parasite remedies include:
- Flea combs
- Flea shampoo
- Flea powders and flea sprays
- Cleaning
- Oral treatments
- Going to the veterinarian
Before doing any treatments even if it’s chemical or the natural way, the best thing to do before treating is to ask your local veterinarian.

4. Keep your pets’ paws cool
Pets are definitely explorers and they love to roam around especially outdoors. However, venturing to many places for your pets can be somehow dangerous because of summertime.
During the summer season, the ground, such as metals and asphalt, heats up rapidly which can cause paw blisters and wounds to your pets.
Their paws are sensitive, which is why it is recommended for them to wear protective boots to avoid paw blisters and irritations in their feet this hot season.
5. Avoid shaving your pets
A big misconception especially during summer is to shave pets. Shaving a dog’s fur does not help a dog feel cooler.
Their fur and skin allow them to protect them from the heat and even the cold. Basically, these furs are essential for them to protect themselves regardless of weather conditions.
Grooming is vital, but be careful and remember that shaving your pets’ fur is unnecessary to avoid heat.

6. Take your pet out during the morning or evenings
A hot day can be very stressful. Try taking your pets for exercise, training, or walk trips during cooler hours of the day to avoid the heat and burning their paws on the hot pavement.
Going outside with your pets during the afternoon is not recommended.
7. Identification
It is always vital to have up-to-date tags and identifications for your pets every day and including in the summertime.
This will ensure the safety of your pets. This may include a microchip, ID tag, collar, leash, harness, and up-to-date necessary tags.
8. Stay active indoors
A vital thing for our pets is to always stay active, but hot and extreme weather will cause your fur baby stress and heat issues, and we do not really want that.
To stay active, you can do some activities and tricks that you can do and play at home while keeping it cool for you and your baby.
Always be careful of overheating during this summer and stay cool at a cool temperature indoors.
Consider giving your dog a snuffle mat or something similar that will help them burn off their energy for an hour.

9. Get Shade for your pets
During the summer it is vital to give plenty of shade for your pets. Too much sun and heat can result in issues such as heat stroke and heat stress.
10. Apply a pet-friendly sunscreen
Sunscreen is a great way to reduce the risk of sunburn for your pets.
Apply to your pet’s exposed skin. Choose the right kind of sunscreen which is pet friendly, as well as advised by veterinarians.
11. Keep track and monitor pets from poisonous things
Summertime can develop toxic and hazardous things that can be poisonous to your fur babies such as poisonous plants and even parasites or critters that can be an inconvenience to your home and your pets such as scorpions, frogs, spiders, skunks, and snakes.
Observe and always clean your place, especially during this hot weather where many creepy and harmful parasites may affect your pets.

12. Research
It is still important to be knowledgeable about possible signs of heat stroke, heat stress, and other health-related issues that can develop during this hot weather.
Beware of the signs and be prepared and cautious.
Signs such as panting, excessive drooling, dizziness, lethargy, paleness, dryness of gums, constant vomiting, and unusual behavior are some signs that you need to be alarmed.
Be prepared for emergencies and make sure to have easy access to first aid kits and contact your veterinarian.
Summertime is a great time to relax and enjoy the weather, but it’s also important to remember to keep your pet healthy and safe.