Can German Shepherds Climb Trees?

German Shepherds are well-known for their tricks but climbing a tree is not their cup of tea. But still, parents need to know! Can German Shepherds climb trees?

Can German shepherds climb trees?
Can German shepherds climb trees?

Can German Shepherds climb trees? 

The answer is “climbing tree depends on the individual German Shepherd.” The trait is not natural in German Shepherds, but parents can train German Shepherds to climb trees.

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But when it is an overall discussion, dogs can climb trees. Climbing trees is something that demands a lot of flexibility in the legs, which is somehow absent in dog legs.

Also, dogs are not rich in sharp claws, which is another feature required to climb trees. So whenever you hear that dogs can climb a tree, it is usually a specific breed.

Only some dog breeds can climb a tree, and unfortunately, a German shepherd is not included in these.

Why German Shepherds can’t climb trees

For all the parents who are asking why can’t their German Shepherd climb trees, the answer is related to dog ancestors.

It is crucial to mention that dogs are meant to live in open areas because of their ancestors. They contain strong back legs, due to which they cover considerable distances in no time. Therefore dogs don’t need to climb a tree to hide from other animals or hunters.

German Shepherd’s legs are wired to run rather than bending around the trees or on other objects. Even dogs think that running is better rather than climbing a tree and falling from it.

Do not confuse a dog’s structure with a cat or bear’s because their paws or legs cannot grab a tree.

Yes, dog nails are strong, but they do not retract like the cat’s nails. Even the nails of the German Shepherd are thicker and as well as stronger as compared to the cat’s nails. Still, they are pretty dull and are not able to penetrate the wood, unlike cat claws.

Somehow if a German Shepherd manages to climb a small tree or you force him to climb a tree, then what if it falls down? Dogs just cannot land on their feet as cats do.

A Limber back is a support system for animals when it falls from a building or tree, and this feature is again missing in German Shepherds.

But still, some dog parents want a perfect German shepherd with all of the tricks and capabilities. And they are desperate to know whether they can train their German Shepherd to climb trees or not.

Let’s bring all of the aspects under discussion and know whether German Shepherds can be trained to climb trees or are just running-oriented.

Can German Shepherds be trained to climb trees?

When you are a German shepherd parent, nothing is impossible for this breed to learn. Luckily German Shepherds are quick to learn, so you can train them to do almost anything. 

How to Train German Shepherds to Climb Trees

The breed is relatively easy to train, and they pick up things quickly. 

1. Start from bed or a stool

Convince your dog to climb up the stool or bed. Moreover, you can select a verbal cue to grab the German Shepherd’s attention.

Make sure that the overall area is under your control and there is no chance of injury.

2. Provide a treat

When your dog is attentive enough to listen to the verbal cue and try to jump on the stool, keep praising it. 

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3. Distract the fearful German Shepherd

Make sure that your dog is calm enough while you are teaching it to climb the tree. Keep your hands on the back of the dog and keep talking so that it will not be afraid of climbing trees. 

Keep praising and motivating your German Shepherd so that it will learn this new lesson quickly.

Again make sure that the overall scenario is under your control and that there is nothing harmful on the tree and at the bottom of the tree, in case your dog falls.

4. Remove harmful or sharp stems

Firstly, make sure that your dog is safe during the training session. So try to remove the sharp end of the stems or select the tree with better branches.

Make sure that your dog knows about jumping and gripping before trying to teach it to climb a tree. Otherwise, it may fall and face a severe injury.

5. Use a verbal cue

Use the verbal cue which you selected while your German Shepherd was climbing the stool or bed. In this way, the German Shepherd will get the point that it has to climb up the tree.

Make sure you are using the cue in an attention-grabbing manner and your pup is not ignoring it. Or, first, try to grab your dog’s attention and use the verbal cue; it will react or act quickly according to the understanding.


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